How To Ease Low Back Pain Without Bothering The Gp - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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How To Ease Low Back Pain Without Bothering The Gp

A concerning question from a pleasant Gentleman from “Ferry Hill”, who asks:


“I originally called on behalf of my wife, Amy, she’s 61.

She has had lower back pain for years now – can’t do as much as she used to but is still active. Our GP has mentioned the possibility of having a scan on her back although she has never said when, nor has she mentioned something like physio – so we just never considered it.

She did mention painkillers and rubbing oils – neither are working though.

Before we decide to come and see you paul, I’m interested to know more about how something like Pilates will help Amy – something you mentioned in your handy guide – and whether or not you think a scan is the best route for us given her long standing back pain.

Derek, 63 – Durham.


I feel I need to be blunt here (about the GP!)!

Because, by being NON committal to any form of diagnosis, or even firmly confirming an appointment time for a scan, this is what is REALLY causing Amy’s back pain to last this long.

Plus, the oils and the painkillers are just giving “false hope”.

Sure, they MIGHT make a tiny difference in the first few DAYS, but there is not a chance that they’ll make any lasting or significant difference in the long run.

And about the “scan” – that’s not guaranteed to help either.

See, most of the time, a scan is not even needed.

And should only ever be used when all other avenues (such as physio) have been explored and tried – as scan results are often “inconclusive” anyway unless you know what you’re looking for.

Most of the time, there’s nothing shown other than “wear and tear” which is happening to EVERYONE aged 45+ and just means that muscles are just generally weak, joints are “arthritic”, and ligaments have tightened – nothing out of the ordinary.

And if it did show something, it’s only good if you know what the solution is – which, respectfully, most GP’s don’t.

And for something like “chronic” lower back pain, it’s often just a simple case of relaxing muscles by doing things like massage, loosening off stiff and stuck painful joints, even making some muscles stronger by doing something like “PILATES”.

Which, is a series of “control” exercises designed to make the foundation of your body – your lower back – much stronger.

And if that happens, there is much less chance of back pain.

Maybe not complete relief, but much less of an ache, less stiffness, and less of life being “slowed down”.

And best, anyone can do them, even at home…

We give these types of exercises out to patients in their 70s, 80s, 90,s and even older!

So chances are they will help you!

And it’s why I mentioned “Pilates” inside my tips report.

Do it alongside having those tight muscles relaxed and stiff joints loosened – i.e. by a physio – then life will be a lot easier and less restricted.

I talk more about both inside my new book.

And if you want to know the real truth about back pain, and why scans, oils and painkillers don’t really help much – and more on what you should be doing instead – then go ahead and claim your copy here now:

YES! Send Me A Copy Of Paul’s New Book >>>

It’s called “The Healthy Habit” and it’s on Amazon priced £17.99 but the publisher lets me give a hand full of free copies away each month.

If you want one…

Just click the link below to claim yours now and my office staff will send one to your home:

– YES! Send Me A Copy Of Paul’s New Book >>>

Talk soon.

Paul Gough.

P.S Get in touch today let me have YOUR concerning questions

Have you been promised a scan by your GP that never arrived or showed up nothing?…

(You’re NOT alone if you have!)

P.P.S You can claim your free back pain tips report, here now: back-pain 3d

Paul Gough
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