7 Things you could do this summer if you had a PAIN FREE BACK... - Paul Gough Physio Rooms
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7 Things you could do this summer if you had a PAIN FREE BACK…

Talk to a Physio About How We Can Help, when you click here.

It’s TRUE…

Suffering with a BAD BACK isn’t nice.

And what’s worse, is the feeling that you’re really beginning to miss out on the things you wish you could do, or are still managing, but struggling to do, and most definitely failing to ENJOY.

Try these 7 for example…

And just imagine how NICE life would be if you could DO all of these in the next few weeks whilst the sun is shining, without a dull ache or pain at your lower back:

= = =

1.) Take a walk with friends and actually ENJOY it because you’re not in any discomfort

2.) Sit in the Garden for longer without shuffling around trying to get comfortable every two minutes

3.) Climb ROSEBERRY Topping (in Great Ayton)

4.) Do the GARDEN and not pay a big price, later that day or the next day with terrible stiffness or aches

5.) Clean the HOUSE in double quick time as you can round it as quick as you used too and still know you can

6.) Get down and play on the grass with your grandchildren

7.) Get back up off the grass having played with the grandchildren 😉

= = =

If you’re aged 45-65+, and fed up of living with the daily torment of a bad back, I can assure you ALL of these things ARE very easy to achieve.

And it’s often a simple case of:

“do this, but don’t do that”.

A healthy lifestyle that’s free and easy starts with making your back looser, more supple and then YOU a bit stronger.

Add in one or two nice massages and a few health boosting exercise routines, and each of these 7 ^, and some more, IS reachable, and likely before the lightest night appears in just a few weeks time.

Sound like something you’d be interested in?

Start here:

Talk to a Physio About How We Can Help, when you click here.

Best wishes,

Paul 😉

Talk to a Physio About How We Can Help, when you click here.

Paul Gough
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