ONE “offer” provoked more “raves” from clients than anything else I’ve done this last 12 months. Here’s a sample of the comments: === “I don’t know why… I’ve done it twice now, but whenever I get back pain I seem to accept it for too long always thinking it’s just going to go away onRead More…

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Category: Back Pain
Back Pain : Why You Are Getting Smaller Everyday And How To Ease Back Pain By Spending More Time Doing “This”….
Did you know that as you age you shrink? Well if you are already shorter than most, then this doesn’t sound too good. But do you know why? Each of your spinal joints has a disc in between each joint. These discs are actually a jelly-like fluid that actually leak when placed under pressure. EveryRead More…
The Importance Of Varying The Path You Walk On… If You Want To Protect Vital Joints From Arthritis
Last week I wrote about the importance of doing something “different” in order to keep things feeling “better”. And just a couple of days ago I got involved in a conversation with a reader of the column whilst I was out on my bike (who stopped me when I was waiting at traffic lights) andRead More…
Is It A Sports Injury? Or Could It Be Pain Caused By BAD Habits At Work?
I have seen two clients this month with two very different sports injuries, which made me think of the same question……is it really a sports injury? Case Study 1: The first was a 19 year old lady who had had recently started the increasingly popular “cross fit”, SHE was having problems in her lower backRead More…
Back Pain : 1 Big Painful Lesson That You Don’t Need To Make…
One of my favourite Authors is Mark Twain (1835 – 19(1835 – 1910): I’ll come back to him in just a sec… But first, here’s a not so nice little story that starts like this: Life is defined by two things: The same two things that define happy and healthy people. …and the poor soulsRead More…
Back Pain : Why Physio ISN’T Just About Ending Pain…
Word for word, praise for our Physio team EVEN THOUGH (at the time of writing) we hadn’t made much progress with this ladies pain… === “Paul… I Just wanted to let you know how happy I am with your excellent physio team. I have suffered back problems, spd and have hypermobility of lots of myRead More…
Three Concerns Stopping People From Trying Physio And Causing More Back Pain Than Is Necessary…
Herein, I will “pull the curtain apart”…(on physio for back pain) Here are three questions and concerns we received from people following the email a couple days ago in which I asked for replies. I’ll use them as the context for my response about what physio is and what we do (for you) here. *Read More…
Back Pain : This Story From A Client Who Was “New To The World Of Physio” But Now Sees The Value And Wishes He’d Acted Sooner…
We LOVE it when we read nice emails sent to us like this one from Peter who had suffered terribly with back pain… == “Paul … Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to your team. I’ve now had three sessions with Sammy and Jonny and I’m already noticing a significant differenceRead More…
Back Pain : Free Taster Session Being Given At Top North East Physio Clinic… Here’s What You Get
It’s Vicki… (Head of client care at Paul’s clinic…) Just a quick email to let you about the opportunity we’ve got this week for people suffering with Back Pain… Anyways, it’s a Free “Taster” Session. There’s only *7* available and this is what you’ll get included if you qualify for one of them : FindRead More…
Three Generations Of The Same Family Walk Into A Physio Clinic Within 4 Months And Ask For Help… “Unlucky”? Find Out Why NOT…..
I love it when this happens… For the third time four months, three generations of one family have shown enough concern about their health to go and do something about it. And I’m not just talking about making an appointment with a GP to get some painkillers. Let me tell you a nice story andRead More…