Article Written By Specialist Physio, Jonny corner in response to a question from a client of his concerned about Sciatica. There’s more tips and advice to help ease back pain and sciatica, here: “If I’ve got back pain — Why am I getting a shooting pain down the back of my leg?”. This isRead More…

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Category: Back Pain
How Do You Stop Back Pain That Doesn’t involve Painkillers If You’re Aged 45+…?
I want to add to your “health education” by showing you what you can do to ease back pain and lower the risk that it will ever happen to you. Here all the best ways to do that and if you were to follow them all, then you will give yourself the best chance ofRead More…
Back Pain : Four Things You Absolutely Must “STOP”… If You Want To Bring An End To Back Pain
– If you want more top tips to ease back pain, look here: Imagine if we met… Let’s say you and I were introduced to each other by a mutual friend, and when you realised I was a Physiotherapist, I’d bet the first question you’d ask me would go something like this: “Oh you’reRead More…
Back Pain: WHY Painkillers Do More Harm Than Good (…For People With Back Pain)
Access The Calendar To Pick A Time For A Call Back That Works Best For You Everybody agrees that Painkillers AREN’T the best solution, right? (Everybody except the GP’s, it seems…) So why DO they even give them out to people like you suffering from back pain when they’re never going to solve the realRead More…
Why YOUR Back Pain Is Unlikely To Be “Just Muscular” (…Another GP Myth)
Free Tips for people with Back Pain who want top advice: In which the question is asked: = = = = “Paul, I went to my GP last week after suffering with tension and tightness in my back (it’s been on-off for 8-9 weeks now) which seems to always be worse on a night.Read More…
Back Pain: Why Exercises DO.NOT.WORK (…Like You Hope)
Claim Your Free Telephone Consultation With A Back Expert Another email subscriber says they’ve just got to know: = = = = “Paul… every time I mention my back pain to my GP (3x now), she just tells me to do some exercises. First time I went she just gave me a sheet with someRead More…
Why Private Physio Could Be Your Best Option To END Back Pain
Arrange A FREE Call Back With Out Top Back Pain Physio Let’s talk… …About why Physio (my style) could very well be like nothing you’ve ever tried in the past, and why if you’re aged 40 +, it COULD BE your BEST option to stop back pain. I’ll start by explaining what other options someRead More…
Back Pain: Facet Joint Injections Couldn’t Help This Lady With Back Pain (…Hear How Physiohtherapy Could)
Today I’d like to introduce you to “Siobhan”… [Skip Straight To Watch the Full Video Here] (She’s a Mother of three and a hairdresser from Hartlepool…) She’s a client of ours who had suffered terribly with back pain for a number of years now. The painful problems started after giving birth and despite how longRead More…
How Long Does Back Pain Last?
Free tips to stop back pain, are here: Always get asked this question about how long it takes… ==== “Paul… how long will my Back Pain Last?” === Enquire About Cost And Availability Answer: That ALWAYS depends… On what *YOU* do
Man With Back Pain Asks : “Paul… Is It A Problem In Bed?”
This from an email subscriber having trouble getting to sleep due to back pain: View The Calendar And Pick A Time That Works Best For You = = = = “Paul, First thing, loved what you said the other night about the exercises. Make perfect sense now. Just wish my GP had told me earlier.Read More…