Sometimes it happens… You’re chugging along nicely. You feel fit & well. And you think your health problems are way off in the future for another day. Then suddenly… You feel something not quite right (…at your lower back). Maybe you even begin to kid your self that it’s nothing. That it will go awayRead More…

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Category: Back Pain
The Diary Of A Back Pain Victim (…and A Physio)
Free Tips to ease back pain are here: Got a great little video for you to watch in a minute. But first… It’s 7.46pm and I’ve not long gotten in from another day in my physio clinic. “I love my work”. (But I love being at home with the family just as much…) I’mRead More…
Back Pain: “How To Stop Thinking About It Late At Night…”
Email subscriber “Susan” writes me and asks: = = = = “Dear Paul, Another late night thinking about my back problem again, so thought I’d share with you how I really feel… Initially, I thought this little niggle would go away on its own and that I wasn’t so much affected. I thought to myRead More…
The Top 7 Worst Back Pain Mistakes That Make Things Worse
“Like a £1 coin, physical health is something that can quite easily fall down the back of a couch…” …And remain lost down there for years. My hope for you as you consider your decision to invest in Specialist Physiotherapy, is that it can help you to rediscover ALL of the living of life thatRead More…
Back Pain: 10’574 people have gotten relief from their back pain… when is it your turn?
Free tips for back pain sufferers: Today, specialist Physiotherapy has already made someone just like you, with the same back concerns as you, very, very healthy. Aside from wanting to look and feel healthy again and protect yourself from a lifetime of unwanted back pain, here’s why else you should get your own physio:Read More…
How To Try Physio (for Back Pain) Risk Free: Try It First And See If You Like It…
Handy hints and tips to end back pain waiting for you here: One thing I never say is that Physio is for everyone. Why? Because it isn’t — some people just don’t understand the real value paying for private physio, adds to their life. And thats is one of the reasons I offer aRead More…
Physiotherapy: The FASTEST Way To Stop Chronic Back Pain
Free back pain tips here: “Today’s note is only for people who are looking for the fastest way to end back pain so that they can enjoy their health again”… Why? Because Physiotherapy will ‘walk you by the hand’ and drastically re-engineer your relationship with being active again. And I want YOU to beRead More…
Back Pain: Lady in her 50’s says “I’m stuck” and wants to know how to “get un-stuck” (from back pain)
Arrange Your Free Telephone Consultation With A Back Expert Physio Few days back, I received this interesting question from an email subscriber with back pain. It’s a question a LOT of people with back pain ponder over. (Especially those who have been told by their GP “it’s your age and you’ll have to accept itRead More…
Back Pain: The EASIEST way to end Back Pain and why trying to “figure it out for yourself” is dangerous
Free Telephone Consultation For Back Pain Sufferers – Click Here To Claim Yours Living without back pain and stiffness would change the quality of your life, right?… It’s effortless, because we do all of the work for you. And it’s easy, because all that you have to do is show up and sit on aRead More…
Back Pain: How To Stop Back Pain Using Physio and Some Top Secret “Tools”…
Top Back Pain Tips, look here: I can never escape being a physio. And whenever I go someplace with my family, a common question that I’m asked is: “What’s the one thing I can do to sort my stiff back?” While it’s a good question I fear that most ask it in search ofRead More…