Hey, Jo here again! I’ve been racking my brain the last few days on what I’m wanting to write my blog on and it came to me while I was sitting watching a bit of evening tv…. Don’t just sit there!!! Now we all know sitting too much can be bad for you and mostRead More…

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Category: Back Pain
How To Stop Back Pain, Get Fit And Look Healthier, All At The Same Time
Something “unusual” for office workers and parents with kids who like to sit and play computer games, this week…. So I’ve just got back from trip to Boston, USA! I was there to talk to my publisher about the new Book that I’ve got coming out in the next month or so (I’ll reveal moreRead More…
Back Pain : Worried About Spending Money On Your Own Health?
Back Pain : “I Think I’ll Just Wait For My NHS Appointment Paul”
As a “Private Physio”… I’m 100% aware of the temptation that some people have of choosing the completely free option to “get some Physio” over at the NHS. And I respect the fact that some people *assume* that what we do here (in the Specialist Private World), is the same as what they do overRead More…
Client Success Stories: Life Doesn’t Have To Be A ‘Core’…
Blog post from Kevan, Our Sports Injury Specialist: It’s been an absolutely AMAZING week……. I’ve got two clients which have literally blown me away…. Their care is very different to what I’ve ever provided as they’ve both had strokes and are on the long road to recovery. They unfortunately won’t reach a return to 100%Read More…
Back Pain : Why Brian Started Out Angry With “Us”

Got a true story for you here: It pains me a LOTto here that people have been let down by other Physios. And not because the other physio couldn’t help — but because the other physio didn’t help but still decided to keep that persons money. And that, I don’t feel, is the right wayRead More…
How To Help Your Friends Avoid Lower Back Ache
Some tips for keen runners and walkers who want to avoid back ache… So, I couldn’t help but notice a big mistake that I saw one or two of the “Harriers” make as they ran round Dalton Piercy and through Elwick. Here’s the scene: I just happened to be riding past on my bike afterRead More…
“How To Loosen Up A Little” … From A Really Stiff Lower Back

Let’s answer a pressing question which another email subscriber recently wanted to know the answer too: (And see if we can get YOU a bit more flexible and “looser” in the process…) === “Paul.. what exercises can I do to improve flexibility in my lower back? Thanks for the invitation to ask”. – Dave (AgeRead More…
Man With Back Pain Has A Problem In Bed
This from an email subscriber having trouble getting to sleep due to back pain: = = = = “Paul, First thing, loved what you said the other night about the exercises. Make perfect sense now. Just wish my GP had told me earlier. Second, I’m having not so much trouble getting off to sleep atRead More…
The BIG Reason Why Back Pain KEEPS Occurring…
After lasts weeks email about the biggest health challenge that my other “email subscribers” are facing, I have taken the time to review the answers with great care. And here are two of the many questions I got asked : === “Paul… How do you continue to try and stay fit (gym, work, golf etc…)Read More…