More sports injury tips here: “It happens”!… You’re in Brazil, your team scores, you’re jumping around celebrating with all of your friends who are just as happy as you, but you’re the only one who doesn’t see the water bottle left lying on the ground that causes you to slip. And dislocate your ankleRead More…
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Category: Foot & Ankle
Why Painkillers DON’T help *Ankle Sprains* (…And What Does!)
Free TIPS to help ANY person suffering from ANKLE PAIN: Arrange Your Free 9 Minute Call Back “Prescriptions…” Why do they even give them out to people like you suffering with foot and ankle pain? There’s a whole basket of reasons why they do. But the obvious one is that it offers a veryRead More…
Ankle Sprains – The “Just REST it Myth”
More free TIPS here: Here’s the BIG problem with too much REST of **ANKLE SPRAINS** and why it hardly ever works: ==== “Hi Paul… Here’s my question to you: Why, when I went to see my GP, did he tell me to “rest from golf 6 weeks”? I’d gone to see him after I’dRead More…
Custom Foot Orthotics (Prescription)
For Walkers, runners, golfers who want the best foot orthotics A North East based Physio Clinic has announced a huge increase in the number of clients travelling to its premises from all across the UK, thanks to the introduction of a new foot scanning technology able to make the most accurate Prescription Orthotics ofRead More…
“Why LOUISE now REGRETS Taking GP Advice” (ankle pain)
TOP tips to ease Foot and ankle pain being given away by our best Physios, here: “Meet Louise” Louise came to us having made the *CLASSIC* and very common mistake of going to the GP and being told to rest. But, after weeks (and then months) of being inactive, and making two more tripsRead More…
“Why ANDY doesn’t bother with the GP either” (Ankle pain)
More FREE tips for exercise lovers with foot or ankle pain, here: “Meet Andy”. He, in his own words, doesn’t bother with the GP either simply because: “There’s NO point” He realised a few years back now that he is better off in the hands of a *Specialist Physio*, than a Generalist Practitioner. EvenRead More…
Achilles Tendon Snap…Ouch! (End Pain like Jayne)
More FREE tips for foot and ankle pain here: At this moment, because I don’t know you or your health concerns personally, I can only guess what brought you to my website. [Free Video: Skip Straight To Watch It Here] And I’m NOT just talking about to find a solution to your ankle pain.Read More…