Hey, Jo here again! I’ve been racking my brain the last few days on what I’m wanting to write my blog on and it came to me while I was sitting watching a bit of evening tv…. Don’t just sit there!!! Now we all know sitting too much can be bad for you and mostRead More…

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Category: Neck/Shoulder Pain
Neck And Shoulder Pain: How To Get Healthy Again (Quickly) By Getting Out Of Your Own Way!
Got a quick “success story” to share that might help you too: Here goes… One of my favourite accomplishments of being a Physio is when I’ve been able to help someone whose “stuck” and has been for ages and didn’t even realise he or she was holding them self back. A bit like this gentlemenRead More…
Is It A Sports Injury? Or Could It Be Pain Caused By BAD Habits At Work?
I have seen two clients this month with two very different sports injuries, which made me think of the same question……is it really a sports injury? Case Study 1: The first was a 19 year old lady who had had recently started the increasingly popular “cross fit”, SHE was having problems in her lower backRead More…
Neck/Shoulder Pain: The Problem With “Reading Before Bed” And Why It’s Likely To Be A Source Of Tension And Pain, NOT Pleasure.
One of the greatest mysteries of being 50+, is the sudden onset of neck pain and stiffness. It often creeps up on people with zero warning and usually offers NO explanation as to why you might all of a sudden wake up with neck pain that can torment the life out of you and makeRead More…
How Physiotherapy Can STOP you feeling stiff: Plus DIY tactics.
To wrap up this section on daily health habits, I’ve got a few more suggestions to give you. And before I do, let me do it whilst answering this common question about being stiff. The answer and “tips” I’ll provide soon after are done so to help you clear up the confusion that being “stiff”Read More…
Simon says:::
Got this complaint from a long time “email subscriber” and reader of my columns not happy about the last email I sent: ==== “Hi Paul, As much as I’ve enjoyed your recent emails, I was disappointed with a comment in thursdays. That being, the snide reference you made to “Gary Barlow” and his latest CD.Read More…
Is SITTING the new *smoking*? (…Causing Back & Shoulder Pain)
Here’s a habit that everyone of us is doing daily. But is it a good one? Sitting is something that was once done only when you needed a rest. But not anymore. Sitting has now almost become what I call a dangerous norm. Whether in your car, at work, for dinner, for coffee, to chat,Read More…
Kevins Story of HOPE (Severe *Neck* pain)
Free Tips for ANY person suffering with neck and shoulder pain, are given away here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/neck-shoulder-pain The following is a true story and came in on the patient message board, not long ago. Only the new born baby’s name has been removed to protect her identity – but no other names have been changed orRead More…
How to STOP thinking about NECK pain, *late at night*
Free tips and advice being given away for people with neck and shoulder pain here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/neck-shoulder-pain This email came in from another subscriber with shoulder pain, earlier today: = = = = “Dear Paul, Another late night thinking about my neck problem again, so thought I’d share with you how I really feel: Initially, IRead More…
What A *FRUSTRATED* neck pain victim sounds like ;-(
Free Tips and Advice here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/neck-shoulder-pain Frustrated email subscriber Brian writes: = = = = “Paul, I’m annoyed that I haven’t had help from the NHS and face the prospect of paying for it myself. Although now, I have to admit, I am beginning to run out of patience. I can’t face another day satRead More…