Talk To Our Best Physio About Your Best Options (On The Phone). For ANY person suffering with Neck and Shoulder pain or tension. Here goes: ==== 1.) No “nasty” lasting side effects. 2.) It wins the “war”. And NOT just the little battles (meaning it gets to the very root of your pain to stopRead More…

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physio Paul Gough..."
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Category: Neck/Shoulder Pain
Another reason Why SO Many Clients LOVE what we do…
Arrange A Call Back And Let Paul And His Team Help Me “Pull up a chair…” Got a quick question for any person with NECK and Shoulder Pain: === “How long will it take you to reach your goal of getting healthy again if you never get started…?” === I know that reading these emailsRead More…
[Pilates] YOU… a “BUM” like Pippa Middleton?
Talk to our Pilates Instructor about classes running in Hartlepool and Guisborough. The reality of being healthy like you hope, staying active for as long as you can and having your body in sufficient shape to let you do all that you want to do, is it does take some effort. There’s no gettingRead More…
My “SECRET WEAPONS” (For Neck and Shoulder Pain…)
free tips: go get ’em FREE 😉 Maybe you want to know EXACTLY what happens when you get here for physio? Okay… In 12 steps, here’s how Physio works when you get here: === 1.) You’ll ENJOY sitting in our comfy waiting area, sipping a HOT (…or cold) drink or your choice from ourRead More…
YOU — “Back in control of your health”?
More FREE tips here: Let’s talk about “EVERYTHING”… …you’re going to get when you get here for Physio on your neck and shoulder. We’re going to make sure you have all of this: = = = * Advanced EXERCISES for making your body stronger and healthier that will leave you in control and ableRead More…
Shoulder/Neck Pain – “5 things that DON’T work”…like you hope
Free tips here: Let’s talk… …About why Physio (my style) could very well be like nothing you’ve ever tried in the past, and why if you’re aged 43 +, it COULD BE your BEST option. I’ll start by explaining what other options some people “try” before they come and see me, when looking forRead More…
“Why is Paul Gough’s Physio Place My BEST Option…?”
More tips here, too: I LOVE this question: Here it is word for word from another reader of my emails like you… = = = “Paul, someone close to me told me that I should go and try physio because it will help my neck pain. Will it do anything for my shoulder painRead More…
Why Some STUDENT Physios Know More (Than Most GP’s)
Arrange a FREE Call Back To Discuss YOUR BEST Options ANOTHER Email reader wants to know why his GP so often gets it wrong: === “Paul… I’m confused why I have to go and see the GP to ask about something like what I’ve been suffering with in my neck. Doesn’t it make sense toRead More…
It really ISN’T “Just Muscular” (Neck and Shoulder Pain — GP Myths)
Arrange A Free 9 Minute Call Back. In which the question is asked: = = = = “Paul, I went to my GP last week after suffering with tension and tightness in my shoulder (for 8-9 weeks now) which seems to always get worse at night. It’s not great through the day, but I canRead More…
Neck and Shoulder Tension – End it Like Ray (Video)
Free Neck and Shoulder Pain TIPS here: When ANYONE suffers from pain in the neck and shoulder area, the focus is nearly always on just simply easing pain. When ending it completely, would be even better 😉 That might sound obvious and even instinctive, but it’s potentially harmful in the long run if theRead More…