Confessions of a loved up physio Hello lovely people it’s Jonny here again and by do I have a story to tell you…. Walk a mile in my shoes: I haven’t long been back from a weekend away for my stag do in lovely Dublin! and yes for those who don’t already know I amRead More…

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Category: Physiotherapy
Knee Pain: How To Stop Arthritis Before It Stops You!
Many people just like you are becoming victim of Knee pain… This is FAST becoming one of the most common things we see and areas we treat in our clinics across the North East. But before I tell you why, have a look and see if this sounds familiar? There’s a familiar pattern that emergesRead More…
Back Pain : Why “Free” Physio Isn’t Really Free!
About the “freebie” NHS option… Yesterday I had a LONG conversation with a new client of mine suffering with back pain who reminded me of a few of the reasons many people choose to PAY money to come and see me. (Rather than get if “free” off the NHS). My clients name is Bryan, worksRead More…
Client Success Stories: Life Doesn’t Have To Be A ‘Core’…
Blog post from Kevan, Our Sports Injury Specialist: It’s been an absolutely AMAZING week……. I’ve got two clients which have literally blown me away…. Their care is very different to what I’ve ever provided as they’ve both had strokes and are on the long road to recovery. They unfortunately won’t reach a return to 100%Read More…
Back Pain : Why Brian Started Out Angry With “Us”

Got a true story for you here: It pains me a LOTto here that people have been let down by other Physios. And not because the other physio couldn’t help — but because the other physio didn’t help but still decided to keep that persons money. And that, I don’t feel, is the right wayRead More…
What A Trip To “Cape Town” Has To Do With Seeing A Physio
Just about anyone who ever came to my physio clinic started off unsure about whether or not “Physio” could even help them. >> Try Physio Free Via The Free Taster Session << In fact, I’d go so far as to say that some people even started off completely *closed off* from the idea that aRead More…
The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Story : How We Went From Spare Bed Room Start Up To A Prestigious (Multi Clinic), Multi Physio, High Street “Private Practice” (…And Working With ASDA And BUPA)
A long story cut short, A small physio clinic was once started in a spare bedroom at a home in Hartlepool… …And from that standing start, a company named Paul Gough Physio Rooms emerged as a total health care and lifestyle solution that has for over a decade, transformed the health and lives of 10,000’sRead More…
Sports Injury : How To Avoid 8 Weeks Of Loss, Time Out, Frustration And Regret By Making One Simple Decision (Like Dave)
Get top tips to recover from ANY sports Injury sent to you in one special report that’s free : === Today I’d like you to “Meet Dave”… He is a gentleman who came to see me (originally) suffering with Knee Pain from spending too much time on the course and on his bike. [WatchRead More…
Sciatica: Person Asks “Why Does My Back Problem Cause Such Severe Pain Down The Back Of My Leg?”
Article Written By Specialist Physio, Jonny corner in response to a question from a client of his concerned about Sciatica. There’s more tips and advice to help ease back pain and sciatica, here: “If I’ve got back pain — Why am I getting a shooting pain down the back of my leg?”. This isRead More…
PGP: Lady (27) With “Horrific” Postnatal Back Pain Shares Full Story (On Camera…)
Article By Postnatal Specialist Physio, Samantha Dakers… Today I would like to introduce you to a lady I helped recently who, in her own words was “Suffering quite bad” with postnatal back pain. Fiona is 27 and she lives near Guisborough. [Click To See Fiona’s Full Story On Camera – In Her Own Words] SheRead More…