The 13 best ways to ease Knee Pain, being given away free, here: Here goes: 7 Reasons Why Physio Is Better Than Medication For Ending Knee Pain ==== 1.) No “nasty” lasting side effects. 2.) It wins the “war”. And NOT just the little battles (meaning it gets to the very root of yourRead More…

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Category: Physiotherapy
Knee Pain: Why You Doing Exercises Doesn’t Always Ease Knee Pain.
Another email subscriber says they’ve just got to know: = = = = “Paul… every time I mention my knee pain to my GP (3x now), she just tells me to do some exercises. First time I went she just gave me a sheet with some pictures on and they weren’t terribly easy to follow.Read More…
How Do You Stop Back Pain That Doesn’t involve Painkillers If You’re Aged 45+…?
I want to add to your “health education” by showing you what you can do to ease back pain and lower the risk that it will ever happen to you. Here all the best ways to do that and if you were to follow them all, then you will give yourself the best chance ofRead More…
Knee Pain: 5 Things That Don’t Work Like You Hope To Stop Knee Pain (….And One That REALLY Does)
Let’s talk… …About why Physio (my style) could very well be like nothing you’ve ever tried in the past, and why, if you’re aged 40 +, it COULD BE your BEST option to stop knee pain. I’ll start by explaining what other options some people “try” before they come and see me when looking forRead More…
Knee Pain : Is Physio A FAD? Or Does It Offer Real Hope For A Future Free From Knee Pain?
Email subscriber “Susan” writes me and asks: = = = = “Dear Paul, Another late night thinking about my knee problem again, so thought I’d share with you how I really feel… Initially, I thought this little niggle would go away on its own and that I wasn’t so much affected. I thought to myRead More…
Knee Pain: If We Met… I’d Tell You To Avoid Doing These 7 Things Which Only Make Knee Pain Worse
Imagine if we met by chance… Let’s say you and I were introduced to each other by a mutual friend… When you realised I was a Physiotherapist, I’d bet the first question you’d ask me would go something like this: ==== “Oh you’re a Physio are you Paul… whilst you’re here then, can I justRead More…
Knee Pain: “Click Clunk, Crack…” And Why Skipping The Basics Makes Pain Likely To Get Worse Aged 45+….
Today’s message is only for people who are hearing things: Specifically – “Click, clunk & crack”… (From their knee joints…) Once upon a time in the 80’s, there was a film with a karate master who took on a new student named Daniel (son). The student had recently moved to a new school and wasRead More…
Knee Pain: Nine Things You Could Do If You Didn’t Have Knee Pain
If you’re suffering with ANY kind of knee pain or swelling, you won’t need me to tell you that it’s “life limiting”. And if you didn’t have knee pain, here are some of the things you would likely be able to ENJOY doing again, immediately… = = = = 1.) Waking up in the morningRead More…
Knee Pain : “Half Bat” Advice Off The Internet And Why Friends And Family Advice Rarely Ever Helps…
This message comes with an important message. To tip you off on how to recognise at least two of the ‘vultures’ that are likely to be circling above your head trying to sabotage your recovery from this knee trouble. Free Tips To Ease Knee Pain: It happens to nearly every person I know thatRead More…
Physiotherapy : “Angry Clients” And Why You Should Be “Aware” Of Telephone Talk Physio’s
Recently I got an “earful” from an ANGRY client. No, not one of my client. Some OTHER Physios client. < = = = And she was saying how what she thought she was supposed to be getting was some proper physio. (Where someone really did something for her...) But what she got was a 'chat'Read More…